Mulebar’s story begins in 2002 in the heart of the Andes Mountains. During the ascent of Aconcagua (6962m), two extreme sport and adventure enthusiasts are forced to abort their climb due to serious gastric issues. At that moment, they realize that the market lacks a bar that combines 100% natural ingredients, with a high-energy content and a great taste.

Immediately upon their return, Alex and Jimmy throw themselves into the creation of their products. Straightaway they develop a fan base, including, among others, their fellow sport enthusiast friends (cyclists, mountain bikers, trail runners, runners, climbers…).

MULEBAR was created along with their company Fuel for Adventure.

Mulebar’s logo the mule from the photo (left) taken during the aforementioned trek. The name (Mulebar) is inspired by Mulas Plaza, which is the name of the base camp of the highest summit of the Andes Mountains.

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